Mastroberardino, Campania, Italy
Mastroberardino is one of the leading wineries and wine families in Italy in terms of production, market impact and innovation. This is one family with a winemaking history dating back to the early 18th century, and which is largely responsible for the viticultural success of Campania’s remote Irpinia area, successfully turned would-be extinct grapes into world class varieties.
The family estates are all located in Irpinia, in the heart of the areas of production of the three DOCGs: Greco di Tufo, Fiano di Avellino and Taurasi. Today Mastroberardino’s production has grown to 16 wine estates across Campania.
Max Allen wrote an article in The Australian in which he said that a Mastroberardino wine "…changed my life.”
Tasting Notes
Aglianico is the primary grape variety grown in Mirabella, the main estate owned by the Mastroberardino family in the heart of the Taurasi DOCG area. Some of these vineyards are dedicated to the production of Redimore Irpinia DOC, the wine made from two clones of Aglianico selected and propagated by Mastroberardino in a centennial ungrafted vineyard.
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